Monday, June 30, 2008

Folkloric Stories

Hi All! Today I was speaking with my youngest son and we found ourselves talking about weather. As I get older I find myself trying to inform , instruct or educate almost every time I speak. I 'm not sure if this is a good thing but I guess when you are past the half century mark as I am you feel you have something to contribute from your years of existence if not experience. Anyway, I heard the same words coming from my mouth that my Mother told me many years before. This is probably how folklore, old wives tales, and superstitions survive. By being passed down from one person to another over the years.

I told my son that when flies hang on your doors and windows , birds squawk loudly from the trees, and trees turn their leaves to show you their silvery green underside it all foretells rain and or a storm. This was told to me by my Mother many years ago and most times is right on the money.

Curious by nature I was wondering how many other people have a similar tale to tell. As children told a story or something by their parents or families that may sound a little strange but still proves true today. I would love to hear them! Let's pass them on!

1 comment:

Don Dousharm said...


Here you go. Every year, at least I try for every year, I go fishing for catfish on a lake or river on a full moon in the summertime. For some reason the catfish react to the full moon. It is nothing to catch 25 or 30 in one night.

I can remember going up to a lake where I grew up with my brother and fishing for catfish on a full moon. We caught at least 125 catfish that night using nothing but night crawlers.

The only other one that I can think of at this point is during an electrical storm, if the hair on the back of your neck stands on end, it is best to get to an area where you are out of harms way. Trust me on this one.

Nice post Carol!